
Unicef Australia Launches Crypto Mining Donation Platform

Unicef Australia has launched a platform through which third-party donations are made in the form of in-browser computing power which is used for cryptocurrency mining. The website, The Hopepage, allows donors to designate a set percentage of computing power to divert to mining Monero on behalf of Unicef.

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Unicef Australia Encourages Donations of Computing Power Through In-Browser Monero Mining

Unicef Australia Launches Crypto Mining Donation PlatformUnicef Australia has launched The Hopepage, a website that the company states will “allow Australians to provide help and hope to vulnerable children by simply opening the page while they are online.”

The website states that users “select how much compute power they are willing to donate to the mining, safe in the knowledge the process will not store any personal information,” adding that “The longer you stay on the page and the more processor power you donate, the more algorithms get solved, which earns cryptocurrency.”

Unicef Australia director of fundraising and communications, Jennifer Tierney, stated “We wanted to leverage new emerging technologies to raise awareness about current humanitarian crises and raise funds to support children caught up in them. The Hopepage allows Australians to provide help and hope to vulnerable children by simply opening the page while they are online.”

Unicef Adopts Opt-In Coinhive Script

Unicef Australia Launches Crypto Mining Donation PlatformThe platform utilizes AuthedMine – an opt-in version of Coinhive’s API which was released by the company in order to fend off criticism of its product and to justify seeking lenient treatment from adblockers and antivirus products.

Unicef has advised that donors “may need to disable [their] ad blocker” in order to use The Hopepage. Unicef Australia digital engagement and content manager, Tony Tang, told local media

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