
An Inside Look at the Electron Cash Wallet Coming to iOS

Just recently news.Bitcoin.com reported on the unique Electron Cash wallet alongside using the Cashshuffle plugin. Two weeks ago we were granted access to the Electron Cash iOS beta testing period, and we wanted to give our readers a sneak peek at what to expect when this bitcoin cash-centric light client launches.

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Electron Cash Is Coming to iOS

An Inside Look at the Electron Cash Wallet Coming to iOSThe Electron Cash wallet is a reputable bitcoin cash (BCH) wallet that’s been around for quite some time. At the moment the client is available for Mac, Linux, Windows, and Android for mobile phones. However, the wallet’s development team and lead developer Jonald Fyookball are in the midst of building the Electron Cash application for iOS users. Fyookball has allowed news.Bitcoin.com access to the beta testing using Apple’s Testflight system so we could experiment with the wallet, and share our experience with our readers.

Experimenting With Beta Version 3.2.0 on Testflight

When opening the wallet users are greeted by a neon-blue like screen that says Electron Cash, from here the user can choose a few options when they launch the app for the first time. The choices given are the usual create new wallet, import an existing seed, or use existing public or private keys. We created a new wallet and the Electron Cash iOS interface gave us a new twelve-word mnemonic phrase to write down. After finishing writing the seed down, the wallet asks you to re-type all twelve words, but it doesn’t take too long because words are predicted and easily-tappable after a few letters are typed. You also encrypt the wallet with a password, and are given the option to name it as well. Remember your password and

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