
By Sarah Clark[1]nfcw.com[2]

NatWest[3] is working on the development of a behavioural biometrics solution for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) that could be used as a replacement for banking passwords, the UK bank has announced.

Natwest logo

“Behavioural biometrics works by analysing the unique ways a customer interacts with their device when making an online purchase,” NatWest says.

“The technology uses this information to confirm who is making the purchase and does not access or share any private data held on a device.”

“Working in the background of a transaction, the technology is able to deliver a seamless experience for customers while ensuring a high level of security,” it adds.

“The development represents a major breakthrough in the application of biometric technology, and NatWest will be the first bank to test the technology specifically for the purpose of SCA compliance.”

NatWest is working with Visa[4] on the development of the technology.

“Behavioural biometrics has already been deployed successfully for the purpose of fraud prevention, and now, following work between regulators and industry partners, including Visa, has been approved as a second layer of security to be used alongside one-time passcodes in the context of Strong Customer Authentication,” explains Jeni Mundy, Visa’s managing director for UK & Ireland.

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