PancakeSwap CAKE/USD is an automated market maker (AMM) and a decentralized finance (DeFi) application that lets users exchange tokens and provide liquidity through farming and earning fees.
BakeryToken BAKE/USD is a part of the BakerySwap ecosystem where liquidity providers get rewarded in BAKE tokens that can be used to earn a share of the trading fees and to participate in the governance process through voting.
Alpha Finance Lab ALPHA/USD is a cross-chain decentralized finance platform that aims to bring alpha to users across different blockchains, one of which is the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
Should you buy PancakeSwap (CAKE)?
On December 30, PancakeSwap (CAKE) had a value of $12.02.
To get a better perspective as to what kind of value point this is for the token, we will go over its all-time high value as well as its performance last month.
The all-time high point of value for the CAKE token was on April 30, when it reached $43.96 in value. Here, we can see that at its ATH value point, the token was $31.94 higher in value or by 265%.
When we go over the performance of the token the previous month, we can see that on November 7, the token had its highest value point at $20.47.
Its lowest value point, however, was on November 26, when the token decreased to a value of $12.31. Here, we can see that the token decreased in value by $8.16 or by 40%.
With this in mind, we can expect CAKE to reach $15 by the end of January 2022, making it a solid buy.
Should you buy BakeryToken (BAKE)?