PancakeSwap CAKE/USD, Uniswap UNI/USD, and SushiSwap SUSHI/USD are all tokens that power decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
Each token adds a higher level of utility and benefits within the exchange and, as such, has a value associated with it.
Should you buy PancakeSwap (CAKE)?
On January 30, 2022, PancakeSwap (CAKE) had a value of $7.26.
To get a better perspective as to what kind of value point this is for the CAKE token, we will be going over its ATH value alongside its performance throughout the previous month.
The all-time high value of PancakeSwap (CAKE) was on April 30, 2021, when the token reached a value of $43.96. This means that the token was $36.7 higher in value or by 505%.
In terms of the performance of the token in December, the PancakeSwap (CAKE) token’s highest point was on December 1, when it reached a value of $14.62.
Its lowest point, however, was on December 5, when it decreased in value to $10.65. This marked a decrease of $3.97 or 27%.
With this in mind, at $7.26, the CAKE token is a worthwhile purchase as it can reach $10 by the end of February 2022.
Should you buy Uniswap (UNI)?
On January 30, 2022, Uniswap (UNI) had a value of $11.38.
In order for us to get a better perspective as to what this value point means for the UNI token, we will be going over its performance in December, as well as its all-time high.
The all-time high value of Uniswap (UNI) was on May 3, 2021, when the token reached a value of $44.92. This means